You can help us by
• Sponsoring us. Names of all sponsors will be acknowledged in our Annual Report; names/
company logos of those giving more than £5000 will be acknowledged on mini-bus
• Making a donation. No contribution will be too small.
• Giving through Gift-Aid scheme: For every £1 you donate we receive £1.20
• Donating prizes for our raffles
• Organising fund-raising events for our Appeal
We need your help.
Your generosity and support will be greatly appreciated
For more information contact:
Balraj Purewal, The Asian Health Agency.
tel: 07538 854 019 or 020 8811 1501 (during office hours only: Mon–Fri)
email: web:
Registered Charity No. 1042506 Registered Company No. 2940649
To donate please fill in, cut out and return the form below directly to your Bank/Building Society
Simply send your cheque (made payable to ‘The Asian Health Agency ) to: The Asian Health Agency, Shanti Centre, 89 Askew Road, London. W12 9AS.